Las Vegas-based casino giant Sands Corporation is doubling down on its mission to bring legalized casino gambling to the Lone Star State. Following a legislative setback in 2023, the company has shifted gears, adopting a grassroots strategy to build support from the ground up. In collaboration with the Texas Association of Business, Sands is orchestrating a series of community forums aimed at drumming up local backing before the next legislative session convenes in January 2025.

Building Bridges: Sands’ Multi-Pronged Strategy for Texas

A recent gathering in Tarrant County brought together nearly 50 officials and business leaders from major North Texas cities, including Fort Worth, Arlington, and Dallas. This forum represents just one facet of Sands’ comprehensive approach to gaining a foothold in the region. The corporation has made significant moves, including the acquisition of the Dallas Mavericks and a substantial land purchase near the former Texas Stadium site, signaling its long-term commitment to the area.

Sands isn’t putting all its chips on one strategy, however. The company is leveraging a mix of community outreach, political donations, and robust lobbying efforts. While a bill supported by Sands failed to pass the Senate in 2023, the corporation remains optimistic. Glenn Hamer, who heads the Texas Association of Business, notes a growing appetite for casino gambling across the state.

Economic Promises and Political Hurdles: The Road to Legalization

Sands is painting a rosy picture of the potential economic windfall from casino legalization. According to Andy Abboud, the company’s Senior VP for Government Relations, the introduction of high-end casinos could inject $13 billion into the state’s economy, create 70,000 permanent jobs, and generate work for 185,000 construction workers.

However, the path to legalization is far from smooth. Opposition comes from multiple fronts, including religious groups, health advocates worried about gambling addiction, and the Texas Republican Party, which has explicitly rejected gambling expansion in its latest platform.

Chris Wallace, who leads the North Texas Commission, suggests that success may require a marathon rather than a sprint, potentially stretching the fight into 2027 or even 2029. Undeterred, Sands is planning additional forums across Texas, including in Odessa and Taylor, with a virtual event for East Texas in the works.

A High-Stakes Game: Sands’ Long-Term Vision for Texas

Sands Corporation’s renewed push for casino legalization in Texas underscores its unwavering commitment to bringing Las Vegas-style resorts to the state. By engaging local communities, expanding its regional presence, and highlighting potential economic benefits, the company is methodically laying the groundwork for another legislative attempt.

While significant obstacles remain, Sands’ patient, multi-faceted approach could eventually tilt the odds in its favor. As this high-stakes game unfolds, all eyes will be on Texas to see if it’s ready to roll the dice on a new era of gambling.

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