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The Rugby Football League’s agreement with sports integrity solutions provider Sportradar has been extended, after 200 matches that were monitored last year had received a clean bill of health.

The relationship between the Rugby Football League and Sportradar, who have been working together since 2017, includes the delivery of integrity workshops to club representatives and Rugby Football League officials, as well as the monitoring of matches through their Fraud Detection System. The extended agreement will see the relationship continuing for the 2019 and 2020 seasons, at all levels of the professional game.

The Rugby Football League’s Director of Projects and Legal, Alan Darfi, commented that they are delighted to extend their partnership with Sportradar and also to confirm that no reports of concern were flagged in more than 200 matches that were monitored in 2018.

Darfi went on to say that the Rugby Football League is fully committed to the integrity of the game, and this relationship is a key part of that commitment. He added that Sportradar are trusted nationally and internationally in this field, and therefore excellent partners for them, both in providing monitoring services and also through the delivery of integrity workshops.

Andreas Krannich, Managing Director of Integrity Services at Sportradar, said that the extension of their partnership with the Rugby Football League into a third season vindicates their continued investment in both the Fraud Detective System (FDS) and their network of highly trained betting experts worldwide.

Krannich also said that the Rugby Football League will once again invest in their education workshops to inform players and officials at the clubs about the threat of match fixing, as part of their proactive approach to prevention.