Credit: Ralf Liebhold /

The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has recently revoked the gaming license of Genesis Global Limited, a company that provides business-to-consumer (B2C) gaming services. This decision, effective from January 11, follows a year after the initial suspension of the license. The MGA, based in Malta and dedicated to fair and transparent gaming, as well as safeguarding minors and vulnerable players, determined that Genesis Global no longer meets the necessary standards for holding a gaming license under Maltese law.

Malta Gaming Authority’s Strict Record of Compliance

The MGA’s action is in line with specific regulations designed to ensure gaming activities in Malta are fair, transparent, and socially responsible. Genesis Global has the option to contest this decision according to the law. Following the cancellation, the company must settle any remaining fees to the MGA within a week from the decision date.

As a result, Genesis Global, which had already laid off its staff in December 2022 and begun insolvency proceedings, must now stop all gambling operations under the revoked license. The company is required to submit detailed financial reports to the MGA, proving that all player funds have been properly managed.

Genesis Global must also remove all mentions of the MGA and its licenses from its operations. This is important to avoid any confusion about the company’s regulatory status. The MGA is working closely with an appointed liquidator to ensure the correct handling of player funds.

Other Companies Facing Similar Woes

This situation is not unique to Genesis Global. Other companies, including Rush Gaming and Betago, have faced similar actions from the MGA. Genesis Global’s 23 websites, like and, will no longer operate with MGA authorization.

In related developments, the MGA suspended Rush Gaming’s B2C gaming license, and Charles Mizzi will soon replace Carl Brincat as CEO of the MGA. Additionally, the MGA has renewed its agreement with the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, focusing on crime prevention, consumer protection, and preventing gambling addiction.

Genesis Global Had Issues in the Past

The revocation of Genesis Global’s license is a major event in the company’s decline since December 2022, marked by staff layoffs, insolvency, and the departure of CEO Ariel Reem. The MGA is working to ensure the return of funds to Genesis’ players.

These recent events demonstrate the MGA’s strict approach to compliance and consumer protection, emphasizing the responsibilities of gaming companies in Malta. The MGA’s enforcement of standards is vital for maintaining the reputation and reliability of Malta’s gaming industry.


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